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ANT-HP5532N – Dual Polarity High Performance Dish Antenna 4.8 – 6.1 GHz, 32 dBi

$ 0.00


High Performance Parabolic Dish with very low side lobes and back lobes suitable for noisy areas

Deltalink provide highly efficient Antennas Idle for MIMO solutions, designed for outdoor applications for PTP, PTMP and Mesh networks Specially for high throughput wireless backhauls

Frequency Range 4800 – 6100 MHz
Gain 32 dBi
3dB Beamwidth 4.0 ° (typ)
VSWR 1.4:1(typ)
Impedance 50 Ohms
Input Power 25 W
Connector 2 x N-Female
Sidelobes 2 dBi (max)
Front to Back Ratio 48 dB
Cross Polarization 35 (typ)
Port to Port Isolation 45 (typ)